Panic Attack Triggers

Teenage Girl in Elevator

Sometimes panic attacks seem to come right out of the blue. It is as if nothing has happened but suddenly our life has changed because now instead of living normally we are overwhelmed by anxiety and panic. When this happens it is the center point of our existence because we have all we can do to simply live through this period of time as we hope and try to gather all strength together to try to get through it.

When panic strikes, it is often in response to some little event or even a mere thought that triggers its onset. These little events or mere thoughts are what we refer to as panic attack triggers. Often it is a physical sensation, such as a quick pain, especially if it is to the head or chest region that provides the trigger.

Of course, pains to head and the chest should be checked out by a medical professional. What we’re talking about here is a situation where you have already found out what you are experiencing is panic and not a different medical issue such as migraines or heart problems.

Other than true physical feelings, another thing that often times provides a panic attract trigger is a very unpleasant thought like “what if this elevator door doesn’t open?”

Panic attack triggers simply start the panic ball rolling. These triggers are what start the adrenaline shooting through every part of our body. Adrenaline, in turn, brings on more feelings and thoughts that provide triggers to more panic. As this occurs, an even heavier dosage of panic gets added into the bloodstream!

One school of thought is; if we can avoid panic attack triggers we can avoid panic attacks. This way of thinking, while it seems reasonable, actually presents a bigger problem. This is due to the fact that if we try to avoid situations which bring on certain thoughts, like the one about the elevator door not opening, we will actually be creating more problems for ourselves. In other words, we will be bringing about more obstacles to a happy existence.

In order to prevent panic attacks we should actually learn to live through the triggers that tended to provided us with panic attacks in the past. In other words, certain places or situations that bring on panic should not be avoided. Also, though it may seem somewhat ironic, we should actually think about things that usually bring on panic attacks and make these thoughts so commonplace that they no longer carry with them the fear of the unknown.

While this is a very simplified version of a lesson in avoiding panic attacks, it has the basic elements that need understand in order to be successful in fending off panic and overcoming anxiety altogether. These basic elements are:

  • Learn not to shy away from panic attack triggers
  • Be as relaxed as you can without trying to force relaxation
  • Know that millions of people have gone through the same thing you’re going through now
  • Understand that while you are in the recovery phase, panic attacks will come from time to time but they will be less and less severe if you don’t try to fight them off or run from them
  • Make sure to live your life as normal as possible and go through the motions the best you can even if you feel you are unable to give it your all.

It is true you may not be able to do everything you can when you’re feeling well. For instance, by all means, don’t drive a car if you feel you’re unable to and don’t push yourself too hard. Just accept the fact you will get better if you let your panic attack disorder run its course.

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